Society's Struggle for Equality
Why is it that some people feel that life is a competition and that someone must loose in order for them to win?
Why is it that some people feel that life is a competition and that someone must loose in order for them to win?
What kinds of changes did you see in 2022? How important is flextime for you? Do you work from home?
How did you do with your 2022 resolutions? Did you achieve your goals?
Most people think they have integrity, but do they?
Is it funny or ironic that I see a lot of memes and posts this time of year reminding people to slow down and don't be stressed?...
What are you doing for the holidays? Do you celebrate Thanksgiving? What's your favorite holiday food?
Have you had experience with scope creep, time suck and/or overwhelm? Have you ever remodeled all or part of your home?
What Halloween memories do you have? What's your favorite alter ego? Witch, vampire, cowboy, or ghost? Did you make or buy your costumes?
Should employers require employees to park farther away, saving the front door parking for their customers?
Have you ever seen something that was both beautiful and grotesque at the same time?
Observations about pedestrian road safety.
What do you consider is the perfect coffee pot? Do you have a favorite? Do you grind your own beans?
The world is going headlong into MMT and it is not sustainable.
Do you think older people are condescending or do you enjoy talking to people older than you?
When you make a decision to do something, do you ever stop to think what happens as a result of your decision? What's next?
Jeffrey Walter thinks I have a lot of shoes and he may be right - I bought two shoe cabinets recently.
Most of us struggled with the work-life balance pre-covid, but all that changed in 2020. How is your life different?
Have you driven through the countryside lately? What have you noticed?