Routine. It's an interesting word that may be considered either positive or negative.
When we make exercise a habit, we are incorporating it into our daily routine and we think of it as something positive.
When we do something every day or on a regular schedule but feel like we're stuck in a rut, then routine becomes negative.
It's all in your perspective.
Do you see routine as good, bad or both? What routine would you like to change? What routine do you want to keep?
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Routines can be both good and bad. In your example about exercise, a routine is good. Having a routine for getting up, going to bed, cooking meals, are all good routines. They make you feel like things are getting done. An example of a bad routine would be going to the bank on the same day, at the same time, using the same route to and from. This would be especially a bad routine if you walk and are elderly and/or crippled up. I usually walk to one of my banks as it is right across the street from my apartment complex. But, while I'm 68, I walk like a younger person, erect and with confidence, and I'm armed too.…