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  • Writer's pictureClaire Marie

Giving Thanks

Now That's a Turkey Dinner!

As we approach Thanksgiving in the U.S. and the end of another weird year, lots of folks in the U.S. are wondering if they will have jobs come January. Originally, they were going to learn their fates before Christmas, but the current administration decided it was best to not be known as Scrooge or Grinch, so they pushed the date back to early January. One problem I see with that decision is that most people don't pay for Christmas until January. Then there are all those people who have birthdays in January. Nothing quite like, "Happy New Year! Happy Birthday! You're fired!" Ugh.😒😧😨

Anyway, after the October announcement and realizing we are likely being affected, we sent a family text letting our daughters know not to expect gifts similar to what we have done for Christmas the last few years. We need to be careful with our spending, just in case. It is a bit disappointing to us because we have finally gotten to a place where we are able to be a little more like my dad was at Christmas, but now we're not so sure.

So, our oldest sent back a text that stopped us in our tracks. It made all the ick not so bad and really warmed our hearts. She said (in part), "Christmas isn't really about the gifts...It's always been something to look forward to because of being together." (Awwww!)

Anyway, our regular holiday gatherings are probably going to be a bit wonky and irregular again this year. We just had our youngest daughter's wedding this past weekend, our middle daughter will be delivering our first grandchild in early December (and couldn't be at the wedding), and our oldest is not sure she'll be able to be in town during the holidays, but that is always subject to change. Things may not be normal (whatever that is), but we will be giving thanks for the time we do get to spend together, because that's what really matters - being together. I know I'll be grateful for that time and giving thanks.

Are your holidays going to be different this year? Are you being more cautious in your spending? What are you grateful for?

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