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  • Writer's pictureClaire Marie

Divide and Conquer

No, this is not a commentary on the current political climate, but the title would be appropriate. This is actually a commentary on how we don't always know what we have until it's not around. In other words, I'm a little spoiled (ok, maybe a lot) and if you read last week's post, you know my life has been a bit hectic of late.

While doing things together is our main mode of operating through life, the hubby and I have a "divide and conquer" mindset where household chores are concerned. Granted, a lot fall down traditional lines - I cook and he takes care of the cars - things like that. Generally speaking, it works well, and the hubby does spoil me, which I already knew but became even more evident when he broke his ankle.

In the last two weeks, I've had to pick up most of the hubby's chores. Instead of just feeding and medicating our geriatric fur babies every morning and evening, I also have to take care of all the water bowls and the litter box. The litter box also requires emptying the "poop" bucket a couple of times a week and that sucker is heavy. Then there's the outdoor feral fur babies that need to have their water refilled along their food bowl put outside in the morning then brought inside in the evening.

Keep in mind, that I'm also making sure everyone in the family gets fed every day. We have had a couple of extra people at the house too. Thankfully, they have been able to assist as needed too, but one is not able to go at full speed herself and her hubby is helping take care of her.

On top of it all, we have been having work done on the house - replacing our roof, soffits, fascia board and gutters. Thankfully, a good portion of that was done before the break, but I did have to make sure the gate was opened, and the feral fur baby food was put in a different spot so they wouldn't go hungry while work was being done. When it came to moving the tiller out of the way of the gutter folks, the hubby did manage to get on the tractor to move it - thankfully, I wasn't home to watch.

Then there's taking out the trash and recyclables. Last week, I had to get the carboard broken down to get it to the street and there was a LOT. We have had several large items delivered to the house that were packaged in a boatload of cardboard. It took a while, but I got it done.

So, my last couple of weeks have been busy - fur baby feeding and watering, medication, litter boxes, outside fur baby feeding and watering, keep up with the laundry, figure out meals for the family, Mom's Uber service runs about twice a day, get the trash to the outside can when full, get the trash and recycling out to the street on garbage day, re-wrap the hubby's ankle every few days, keep up with my day job duties, do some grocery shopping, keep up with home renovations, pay bills, put gas in my car as needed, etc., etc., etc. I will be SO glad when my hubby is able to do his part of the chores again, but I do know if he can't, I can handle it and I'll never take him for granted. You never know what will happen, so appreciate the one who spoils you while that person's around.

I'm really looking forward to the hubby's healing and him being able to spoil me again.

Are you spoiled? Do you take your partner/best friend/spouse for granted? What do you think?

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Kathi Sturm
Kathi Sturm
Dec 21, 2021

Totally agree! When my hubby had his motorcycle wreck in January, he was completely unable to assist. Not even able to help himself (broken right hand, broken left shoulder and ribs, you get the picture). I NEVER take him for granted anymore. Anymore. It's sad that it takes a wake up call for us to realize what we have. But he's better now, and we are better for the experience. Amazing the way God does things...

Claire Marie
Claire Marie
Dec 21, 2021
Replying to

We are both fortunate in that they are still here and able to recover. I know you’re enjoying that and I know I will soon.

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